Monday, July 9, 2007

Camp Work Update

Lots of progress since my last post!

Last week Leonard Scharf and I delivered and installed a 30' power pole for an additional 400 amp electrical service. Electricians from Brian Day Electric have completed the power panel and other work and passed the initial PP&E inspection.

Richard has completed digging electrical trenches to all 12 cabins and 11 RV sites. A huge amount of work, given the rocky soil and tight spaces between the trees. Great job Richard!

Donna has gotten lots done on the cabins and kitchen. With Bruce Page's help, she power washed all the pots, pans and racks in the kitchen as well as the tile floor in the kitchen.

In other areas, Mike McFarland constructed two very nice boat mooring floats that we'll install next week. Dave Sills weatherproofed the railings on several cabins, and assisted in some plumbing repairs.

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